1. 95% of wall posts on Facebook pages go unanswered by companies
Seriously? This tells me that I'm not likely to get a reply when post on someone's business page. As a smal business owner, if you can't respond each time someone posts on your page or you're getting bombarded by spam. Consider not allowing users to post on your business page.
2. 40% of purchases made on social media will eventually come from Pinterest
Pinterest is the place to be if you're trying to sell on social media
3. 20 minutes is the average time a user spends per visit on Facebook
That's right, 20 minutes per visit! And there's a lot page owners can do to make sure their content is seen as often as possible in the news feed. I recommend that you post a lot. Posts die fast. The lifespan of most Facebook posts is about 2 hours.
4. 13% of users say content is why they follow most brands
The concept behind "content is king" holds true. People trust the experts and want to do business with those they trust. For a small business owner, this means consistently creating original content so you become a "go-to" resource in your industry.
5. 32 billion search queries submitted on Twitter each month
That's a lot of searches! More than Bing & Yahoo combined.
6. 20% of daily search queries on google are new
This is the most amazing stat on the list! Business owners should improve their SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so their websites show up in the search results for even obscure keywords and phrases.
Did these stats surprise you as much as they did me!?
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