Friday, November 27, 2015

Simple Ways To Generate Real Estate Leads

Generating leads is a monster topic in real estate.  So I'm going to break down a major social media lead generation secret.  Real Estate is a super competitive, tough industry. mYour competition is always growing and can steal your business from you if you don't stay on top of,your game.

Generate Real Estate Leads Through LinkedIn Crawling

There is a cool feature on LinkedIn that is rarely used.  Have you ever gotten an email from LinkedIn with everyone who's viewed your profile in the past 7 days?  You probably have.  The best part?  LinkedIn has a great target demographic. Most of the individuals on there have professional careers and are likely home buyers and sellers.

What if your name and face could go out each and every week to individuals on LinkedIn?  Well it can!  It's called "LinkedIn Crawling". What is LinkedIn crawling you ask? It is where my computer automatically visits 400 profiles of target customers in one day.  This means 400 people a day are notified about me.

Here are several other ways I've found generate Real Estate leads:

-Run bing ads
-Sit on a board of a local organization
-Volunteer at a big event
-Theme your months marketing promotions around big events
-Sponsor a class at an underfunded school
-Organize a group of business owners and hold a fundraiser
-Host a silent auction at a house and give the money to charity
-Start a group
-Start a LinkedIn group and post original thoughts in it daily with a minimum of 300 words
-Start blogging daily and challenge yourself to make each post better
-Buy breakfast for the local firefighters
-Organize a neighborhood safety awareness program
-End all of your cold calls asking people what you can do for them
-Post flyers on the doors of every house in the neighborhood
-Take out an ad in the local newspaper
-Give away post-it's with your name on it
-Hand out business cards wherever you go
-Hand out pens as well.  These actually stay with people longer.

These are just a few great ideas to generate leads. If you know other ways, please leave us a comment!

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