Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How To Build A Fire Pit

A backyard is a great privilege.  A small land of your own, a few square meters of grass to enjoy walking on bare feet, a simple tree that offers you two apples a year, shade in every season and support for your Christmas lighting every year.  It is unique.  You should take advantage of this small portion of heaven in your property, you should create a luxurious fire pit.

Step 1:  Start Planning
Get a hoe or mattock and shape the floor and position of the future fire pit, imagining how it will eventually look like.  Play around and find the best position, connect it to your exterior atmosphere.

Step 2:  Start digging

After deciding on the shape and size heavy stuff follows.  If you do not have the necessary condition to dig up all the dirt and earth find a friend that can help you with it.  Prevent an injury and work smart before working hard.  This operation had been realized to maintain the floor level of the fire pit at the same level with the turf.  Basically the depth of the floor stone has been excavated.

Step 3:  Prepare And Mark

After an enormous effort we have the floor ready.  It is time to prepare and mark the floor of the fire pit as well.  Simply place one ring of the fire pit well and trace it on both exterior and interior, on the ground, with a shovel.  This will help you position the well of the fire pit properly, saving you time and energy on digging.

Step 4:  Measure Work So Far

At this point, five or six hours have probably passed.  It is time to measure your performance by leveling the entire thing.  If you want to ensure the quality of the end result, use a level.

Step 5:  Positioning

It is time.  Carefully position and level the base level of the pit well.  Use some dirt or sand to position the rock on the same level and make sure everything enters the hole you've dug.  Work with caution and dedication.

Step 6: Finish

Finish the well and continue the same technique on the fire pit wall, make sure that the end pillars are connected, tied into the wall.  Except capping, the walls and pillars are finished.

Step 7:  Paver Base

At this point, some paver base should be poured and tampered on the floor to extend its useful lifespan.  Give it a while to dry out well before laying the floor.

Step 8: The Easy Part Is Done

The easy puzzle pieces have been laid.  The floor is ready to receive the edge pieces.  This basically means hour of fun chiseling the small angled spots.  This step is very important so treat it accordingly, it will pay a huge role in the result so go get the chisel.  If you have some power tools and experience on them, its worth using them, you might save some time and pavement pieces.

Step 9: Sweeping

Sweep the remaining sand to prevent accidents in the area.

Enjoy!! You have done a terrific job and came a long way to create this core of human cohesion, coziness and warmth.  Treat it accordingly and enjoy it to the fullest.

You can read similar articles online at www.echomeinspection.com

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