Tuesday, December 15, 2015

How To Brand Your Social Media: Facebook

If you thought you were done after branding your blog post images, sorry.  Your brand needs to extend out into your social media.  The best way to have a cohesive brand that allows your readers to always know whether something belongs to you is to bring your blog's branding into your social media outlets.

I'll start by going over Facebook.  With over 1 billion monthly active users, Facebook is definitely the most popular social media.  So you want people who happen to stumble onto your blog/business's Facebook page to immediately know that they're in the right place.

Profile Photo-  Make sure that your profile photo is always the same photo as your main blog photo of you.  Your readers don't know you that well and might not be able to tell if you're the same person in two different images.  Just make it easy for them and use the same image across all of your social media channels.

Cover photo-  Just create a specific cover image that's 851x315 px and make your life a million times easier.  Keep it plain, simple and minimalistic.  However you choose to do this, just make sure your logo is somewhere in the cover photo.

You can read similar articles online at www.echomeinspection.com/our-blog.html

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