Sunday, January 10, 2016

8 Awesome DIY Projects That You’ve Never Heard Of

Do you know what’s great about DIY projects? Everything. When you make items yourself, you can choose projects that suit your tastes, create them in your choice of colours/textures, and then use them to your heart’s content.

Whether you’re aiming for efficiency, decoration, fun, or self-sufficiency, there’s a awesome DIY project just waiting for you. Here are just a few that you might like to try out:

1. Bird Feeder Wreath

A circular mold, wide ribbon, some birdseed, and some melted suet are all you need to help feed our feathery friends over the winter months.

2. Upside-Down Tomato Planter

Just save your plastic soda bottles, cut the bottoms off, ease in a tomato plant seedling, and pour in some earth. Then hang it up, water it regularly, and watch your tomatoes grow! This also works well for herbs and peppers

3. Yogurt Cheese

Place a few layers of cheesecloth in a colander, pour in plain yogurt, and let it drain overnight: you’ll have a creamy cheese when you wake up the next day.

4. Yarn-Wrapped Painted Jars

Wrap some yarn or twine around a jar, paint it, and peel the yarn away once it’s dry: you’ll be left with a gorgeous luminary for tea lights or candles.

5. Baked Salt Dough Tags

Perfect for Valentine’s gifts, baby/bridal showers, or any other occasion.

6. Leafy Stepping-Stones

It’s easy to make beautiful stepping-stones for your garden with large leaves (like rhubarb), cement, and a trowel.

7. Shoe Holder Planter, via GreenUpgrader

Use an old over-the-door shoe holder to grow all kinds of plants. This is great for growing herbs outside your kitchen, or on a balcony wall.

8. Tea or Coffee Cup with a Message

Grab a teacup and a Sharpie marker, write a message on the inside bottom of a cup (or on the side of it), and bake for 30 min at 350 F to make the writing permanent. Great for bridal party gifts!

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