Friday, March 18, 2016

5 Tips To Fix Stuff Your Kids Mess Up

We've all been there or will be one day, your kid has destroyed something by accident or just because they're evil.  You turn to your friends, family and even google or Pinterest for advice.  With suggestions from some of the mommy friends.  Here is a list of to help out.

1.  Crayon On Wall

I think this happens to everyone's walls at some time.  Trusty Mr. Clean Magic Eraser always works.

2.  Toilet Problems

I'm talking about when you find little Johnny in the bathroom, you just heard it flush and he has a guilty look on his face.   A toilet auger works wonders and can be found at Home Depot.

3.  Clean Stuffed Animals

I've always thrown them in the washing machine.

4.  Nail Polish

Do you have sugar?  Yup dump some sugar on wet nail polish to absorb.

5.  Car Upholstery

Unless you throw down a trap when your kids get in the car, you are going to have a mess no matter what age they are.  Create a DIY cleaner with Dawn, vinegar and club soda.

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