Monday, January 18, 2016

3 Small Business Mistakes You Can Avoid

I have a pretty phenomenal business that I enjoy running.  This wasn't always the case though.  I've experienced many, many, many fails.  I will do my best to highlight ones that I believe had the most impact on my business.  Here are 3 small business mistakes I hope you avoid.

1.  Trying To Be Fancy Pants

I had to start my business the fanciest, most cost inhibitive way possible. If you can run your business from home, absolutely do it.  Having a storefront is not absolutely necessary.  Go with a lean start up method. The bare minimum will do until you can afford more.

2.  Not Setting Goals

Miracles do happen, but let's be realistic.  Goals should really be on par with present day capacity.  If you've got no inventory, no following, no exposure, no client portfolio, then you need to bring your goals into reality.

3. Being Too Persistent

I know being persistent is vital to success, but what happens when you actually have a sucky idea?  Don't spend to much time trying to be a "winner not a quitter".

Please share your business fails!!

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