Wednesday, November 4, 2015

2 Simple Ways To Get More Retweets On Twitter

In the year plus I've been on Twitter, I've noticed a few of the best practices: post regularly, don't overuse hashtags, keep your tweets short enough for retweets, etc.  A good mix of images and video will also help boost engagement.

When Twitter shows you your engagement rate, they include all engagements: links clicks, retweets, favourites, and replies.  However, these figures can be misleading, as even a few engagements on a tweet that didn't get many impressions can show a higher than average engage,met rate.

I like to focus on retweets, since they help you increase your overall reach.  More people sharing your tweets means more eyes on your content, which in turn offers the potential for even greater engagement.

1. Use more colourful images for more retweets

Adding images to your tweets is a great way to make them stand out.  Tweets with images get 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites, and 150% more retweets.  What I've found though is that images with rich, saturated colours do even better, getting five-fold or more times the retweets.

2.  Inspire retweets with mini-infographics and charts

People love these mini-info graphics on Twitter because they can see the information without having to click through.  Or, if the writing is to,little, they can get the gist of it in the larger text and decide if they want to click through. They're engaging and people naturally want to share them.

If you're posting a link to an article with a chart in it, download the chart, upload it to Twitter as an image and include the short URL.

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